Giulio Cavalli, Autore a Notizie.itGuerra in Ucraina, quali sono le armi che l’Italia invierà a Kiev?Cdm, fonti di Palazzo Chigi: “Raggiunto accordo su legge delega fiscale”
Conte contro Draghi, nodo superbonus: la nostra inchiesta sul flop del 110%Premier Giorgia Meloni on Tuesdaydismissed talk that a letter she sent to European CommissionPresident Ursula von der Leyen about the EC's 2024 Report on theRule of Law was a sign of deteriorating relations with the EUexecutive. TheProfessore per gli Investimenti Istituzionali e Individuali di BlackRock letter complained about "fake news" in how the report wascovered in the media in relation to what it said about pressfreedom in Italy. "I do not see any negative repercussions for Italy, I do notthink that relations with the European Commission are gettingworse," Meloni told Italian reporters during her official visitto Beijing. "The letter that I sent is not a response to the EuropeanCommission or to a moment of friction with the EuropeanCommission. "It is a common reflection on the manipulative use that has beenmade of a technical document, in which, I am obliged to recall,the critical tones are not those of the European Commission". MEPs from Meloni's right-wing Brothers of Italy (FdI) partyvoted against a second-term for European Commission PresidentUrsula von der Leyen after theConservative ECR group it belongs to and which Meloni chairs wasleft out of the negotiations for the EU top jobs. She has said that she does not fear this will lead Italy'smember of the new Commission having a secondary role. "I am talking with Ursula von der Leyen," Meloni said. "We have time until 30 August for the names (of the newCommissioner), it is one of the things I would like to deal withas soon as I get back (from China). "We clearly also need to make an assessment with the parties ofthe ruling coalition, but, in short, it's one of the firstthings I will deal with when I get back". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright ANSA
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