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European Focus 45. Europa respingente

Perde la trumpiana pro armi che Salvini aveva sostenuto nel 2020Spagna, sinistra e destra rinascono in vista delle elezioni«Non coi soldi degli europei». Dopo gli scandali, l’Europarlamento mette un freno a Frontex

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Dall’energia ai migranti. L’intesa pragmatica tra l’eccezione Sánchez e l’anomalia MeloniThree of our reporters at Domani are facing up to 9 years in prison for doing their job. More than 70 international organisations and media outlets stand in solidarity with Domani. Media freedom is criptovaluteunder attack. Share this callVersione italianaThree of our reporters at Domani – Giovanni Tizian, Nello Trocchia, Stefano Vergine - are facing up to 9 years in prison. They are under investigation by Perugia Prosecutor’s Office for allegedly having requested and received confidential documents from a public official, and for allegedly breaching the secrecy of the investigation through the request and publication of information contained in those documents.The investigation started on October 2022, after Domani published articles outlining a conflict of interest concerning Italy's Defence Minister Guido Crosetto. We revealed that for years, before being appointed minister, he was paid by the arm industry as an advisor. The minister has never denied the information we published. Yet, he filed a complaint to the Italian judicial authorities with the aim of identifying our alleged source.Following its adoption by the European institutions, the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) aims to strengthen the protection of journalistic sources and strictly regulate the possibility for the judiciary to investigate these sources, under the guidance of an independent judge, and only in the context of investigations into a limited number of crimes.In a complete break with the spirit of the EMFA, the decision by the Perugia prosecutor's office to prosecute our reporters to identify their sources risks criminalising journalism.What is happening to Domani has already been stigmatized by the main journalists' trade unions and by organizations such as Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana, Media Freedom Rapid Response, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, European Federation of Journalist, Free Press Unlimited, International Press Institute, ARTICLE 19 Europe and OBC Transeuropa.Without the possibility of verifying pieces of news, and without sources leaking secret information, investigative journalism would be hugely limited. Likewise, the freedom of the press would be limited, to the detriment of the public’s right to be informed about news of public interest that political and economic power tries to hide.We fear that the current investigation on our reporters represents an attempt to breach the confidentiality of journalistic sources, and to silence our investigative reporting on members of the current government.It is not the first time that members of the current Italian government act against Domani and other Italian media: SLAPPs, claims for damages and intimidations are becoming more and more frequent in our country. With this call for support, we ask the Italian judicial and political authorities to respect the right to report, the freedom of the press and the public’s right to have independent media.SignatoriesInternational organizationsAmnesty International ItaliaARTICLE 19Articolo 21Association of European Journalists (AEJ)Bulgarian Investigative Journalism CentreCivic Initiatives (Serbia)Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ)Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)Daphne Caruana Galizia FoundationDeutsche Journalistinnen- und Journalisten-Union (dju) in ver.diDİSK Basın-İş (Turkish Press and Printing Employees Union)Dutch Association of Journalists (NVJ)European Centre for Press & Media Freedom (ECMPF)European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)Federación de Asociaciones de Periodistas de España (FAPE)Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana (FNSI)Foundation Atelier for Community Transformation (ACT)Free Press Unlimited (FPU)GCD (The Turkish Association of Journalists)Greenpeace ItaliaHuman Rights Center Ghent University – Dirk Voorhoof, professor emeritus, Freedom of ExpressionIndex on CensorshipIndependent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS)InformazioneFuturoInternational Federation of Journalists (IFJ)International News Safety Institute (INSI)International Press Institute (IPI)Irish PEN / PEN na hÉireann (Catherine Dunne, chair, writer)Justice for Journalists (JFJ)Libera Informazionen-ostOBC TranseuropaPištaljka (The Whistle)PEN InternationalRECLAIMReporters Without Borders (RSF)Peace Institute (Ljubljana)Society of Journalists (Warsaw)South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO)StatewatchThe Good Lobby (Italia)The Turkish Association of Journalists (GCD)Trade Union of Croatian Journalist (TUCJ)MEDIA OUTLETSAre we EuropeBalkan InsightDagospia – Roberto D'Agostino, editor in chiefDaraj – Alia Ibrahim, - Cătălin Prisăcariu, co-founderDelfi Estonia – Urmo Soonvald, editor in chiefDeník Referendum – Jakub Patočka, editor in chiefDisclose – Ariane Lavrilleux, reporter and press freedom defenderelDiario.esEnvironmental Investigative Forum (EIF)European Investigative Collaborations (EIC) - Stefan Candea, co-founder and coordinatorExpresso - David Dinis, editor in chiefGazeta WyborczaHVGInfoLibre - Daniel Basteiro, editor in chief; Jesús Maraña, editorial directorInternazionale – Giovanni De Mauro, editor in chiefInvestigate Europe – Alessia Cerantola, editorial directorIrpiMedia – Lorenzo Bagnoli, co-editor in chiefL’Espresso – Enrico Bellavia, editor in chiefLe Soir - Christophe Berti, editor in chiefLibération - Dov Alfon, editor in chiefLighthouse Reports - Daniel Howden, founder and directorMagyar Hang - György Zsombor, editor in chiefMateria RinnovabileMediapart - Carine Fouteau, president and publishing editorNacional - Berislav Jelinic, editor in chiefNépszavaPetrolio – Duilio Giammaria and the news deskPiazzapulita – Corrado Formigli and the news deskPresadiretta – Riccardo Iacona and the news deskPolitiken - Amalie Kestler, editor in chiefRadio anch’io – Giorgio ZanchiniReport – Sigfrido Ranucci and the news deskReporters United - Nikolas Leontopoulos, co-founderScomodoShomrim - Eyal Abrahamii, editor in chiefSourceMaterial – Leigh Baldwin, editor in chiefThe Insider – Roman Dobrokhotov, editor in chiefTPI (The Post Internazionale) – Giulio Gambino, editor in chiefVG - Gard Steiro, editor in chiefVoxeurop© Riproduzione riservataPer continuare a leggere questo articoloAbbonatiSei già abbonato?Accedi

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