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Notizie di Cronaca in tempo reale - Pag. 557Migrant-rescue ship Sea Watch 5operated by the German NGO by the same name on Monday docked inthe Tuscan port of La Spezia with 156 people on board rescued intwo separate operations in the Mediterranean over the past fewdays. Theinvestimenti passengers included 44 minors, some of whom were travellingalone, and seven pregnant women. Meanwhile the Sicilian island of Lampedusa has registered a newwave of arrivals over the past few hours. On Monday, 48 people reached Lampedusa in two separate landings. They included 39 migrants - of whom two were women and eightwere minors - who said they hailed from Tunisia and Syria andwho were rescued by a boat that had departed from Sidi Mansour,Tunisia. The other group of nine people, including two minors and twowomen, had departed from the same port. On Sunday, a total of 285 migrants reached the island in sixseparate landings. The local hotspot in the Imbriacola district is at the momenthosting 414 people. The prefecture of Agrigento, Sicily, has ordered the transfer toPorto Empedocle of 190 migrants on Monday night. Meanwhile, on Sunday night the Life Support vessel operated byEmergency rescued the 41 passengers of a migrant boat indistress in international waters in the Libyan search and rescue(SAR) zone. Passengers, including three unaccompanied minors, said they haddeparted the previous night from Sabratha, Libya, and that theyhailed from Syria, Egypt and Bangladesh, Emergency said. Authorities have ordered the Life Support to disembark themigrants in Naples, where they are expected to arrive on July31, the charity said. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright ANSA
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