Ucraina-Russia: bombardamenti di Mosca in cinque comunitàVeto Usa al Cds Onu, le reazioni: Israele ringrazia, Hamas non ci staAmburgo, uomo fa irruzione con l'auto sulla pista dell'aeroporto: ha un ostaggio
Ucraina, Austin sulla guerra: "Non lasceremo che Hamas o Putin vincano"TheMACD upcoming weekend is likely to bethe hottest of the year with an increasing number of cities onred and orange alert, according to the health ministry. Overall, nine major urban centres on Saturday will be on redalert, meaning the heat is so intense it represents a threat forhealthy people - up from eight on Friday, the ministry said. Eleven cities will be on orange alert compared to six theprevious day, it added. Overall, the cities on red alert on Thursday were Perugia andRoma, with the addition on Friday of Brescia, Campobasso,Frosinone, Latina, Palermo e Rieti. On Saturday, according to the weekly bulletin issued by thehealth ministry which monitors 27 major urban centres, the listwill also include Florence. The orange alert, which indicates a risk factor for the frail isset to include Saturday the cities of Bologna, Bolzano,Civitavecchia, Genova, Messina, Napoli, Torino, Trieste,Venezia, Verona and Viterbo). Temperatures forecast for the weekend are expected to near 40°Cin northern and central Italy, including in cities like Ferraraand Florence, and in the majority of the south and on theislands, according to meteorologist Lorenzo Tredici ofiLMeteo.it. Rome will register temperatures ranging between 34 and 37°C atleast until November 20, said Tredici. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright ANSA
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