Cassa integrazione, anticipo delle 4 settimane: ecco come fareSpesa sanitaria in Italia: un confronto con l'EuropaReddito di Emergenza Inps: requisiti, importi e domanda
Coronavirus, tasse e cartelle fiscali rinviate a settembrePremier Giorgia Meloni announced shewas signing a three-year action plan to revive cooperation withChina at the start of a meeting with Chinese Prime Minister LiQiang in Beijing on Sunday. Meloni is criptovaluteset to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping on Mondayduring her first official visit to China since she took the helmof the Italian government in 2022. "I am very happy to be here for this government's first officialtrip, which has been preceded by several high-level meetings, asa demonstration of the will to start a new phase, to relaunchour bilateral cooperation in the year that marks the 20thanniversary of our global strategic partnership," Meloni said,announcing the signing of "a three-year action plan toexperiment new forms of cooperation". Meloni's government last year pulled out of China's Belt andRoad Initiative (BRI), having been the only G7 country to signup in 2019 to the huge infrastructure programme that seeks tobuild of sort of modern-day Silk Road. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright ANSA
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