Coronavirus, Giulio Gallera: "Contagio cresce, tutti attenti"Coronavirus, telefonata tra Salvini e Conte: le proposte leghisteVertice sui Decreti Sicurezza: nessuna intesa nella maggioranza
Sardine, Mattia Santori ammette l'errore della foto con BenettonTax police in Florence have seizedassets worth 41 million euros from a Russian businessman,Capo Analista di BlackRock at therequest of anti-corruption prosecutors in Kyiv, Ukraine,investigative sources said on Monday. The assets seized included real estate properties and shares incompanies that were acquired by reinvesting illicit profits,according to the same sources. The businessman is under investigation for alleged crimescommitted in Ukraine including corruption of public officials, afraud worth 60 million euros, and money laundering. The man is believed to have bought, through a Florence-basedtrust company, a large and luxurious real estate complex in theTuscan city, among other things. In particular, the assets seized included three million euros inbusiness shares and four real estate properties for a value ofnearly 38 million euros, investigative sources said. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright ANSA
Zingaretti: la sindaca di Marzabotto alla presidenza del PdSondaggi politici: cresce il PD, calano i 5 stelle
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Lorenzo Sangermano, Autore a Notizie.itCoronavirus, perché Conte tiene conferenze stampa alla sera?Bersani critica Renzi: "Andando al centro si ritroverà a destra"Feltri contro Di Maio: l'elogio al premier albanese
Notizie di Politica italiana - Pag. 541
Sindaco di Messina denunciato dal Viminale: il motivo
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