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Economista Italiano

Furgone travolge 4 pedoni,autista indagato per omicidio stradale - Tiscali Notizie

LetteraturaIl calvario di Selam, ragazza eritrea stuprata e bloccata nella Libia finanziata dall’Italia  - Tiscali NotizieAllarme Siccità: Coldiretti, centinaia di stalle senza acqua e cibo. Sos in Sicilia

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Software e appAmanda Knox fingered Perugia bar ownerPatrick Lumumba for Meredith Kercher's murder "of her own accordand freely",analisi tecnica a Florence court said Friday in explaining itsrecent rejection of the American's claim that she was physicallycoerced into initially identifying her Congolese born friend asthe British exchange student's killer after she was found deadin their shared flat in the Umbrian capital on November 1,2007.    "Knox's indictment of Lumumba was written spontaneously andfreely as confirmed by the defendant', said the Florentinejudges in their explanation of the verdict, against which Knoxis appealing.    The court upheld a slander sentence against the innocent Lumumbaof three years already served with the almost four years Knoxspent in prison before being eventually acquitted of the murderwith her then Italian boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito.    Knox and Sollecito were arrested five days after Kercher'ssemi-naked and brutalised body was found on November 1, 2007 andconvicted by a court of first instance, but this conviction wassubsequently overturned.    The appeal sentence was then thrown out by the Court ofCassation, Italy's supreme court, which ordered a new trial onappeal leading to their re-conviction in 2014.    Knox and Sollecito were eventually acquitted definitively by thesupreme court the following year.    Rudy Guede, an Ivorian, was convicted and sentenced to 16 yearsfor the murder.    He was released from prison in November 2021 after serving 13years.    In February a court ordered hm to be placed under specialsurveillance after he was found guilty of beating his exgirlfriend.     Knox told Sky News a day after being re-convicted of slanderingLumumba on June 5 that she loved Italy and hoped that one day"we will understand each other".    "I love this country and I hope that one day we will be reallyable to understand one another. I'm trying," said the36-year-oldwriter and justice reform campaigner.    She said that she and her legal team would be awaiting thewritten explanation of the ruling but they would "certainly"appeal to the supreme Court of Cassation.    "I haven't' slept, I'm really disappointed," she went on, "Ifeelsad but I'm determined.    "I have nothing to hide and I'll never stop telling the truth. Ididn't slander Patrick, I didn't kill my friend (Meredith). Iwill return here every time I have to in order to fight thisinjustice."Recalling the allegedly violent questioning session for whichItaly was condemned by the European Court of Human Rights forviolating her defence rights, the sentence which made theslander appeal trial possible, Knox said it was "the worstexperience of my life".    She said "they made me think I was mad".    But after being "unjustly accused for 17 years", and becoming"the most hated girl in the world", she said she had "survived"and would raise her two young children in such a way as to showthem "my strength".    Knox said she was still resentful at tabloid treatment of her as"Foxy Knoxy" - a soccer nickname - and its delving intoallegedly salacious details of her life.    She also said that, as a campaigner for defendants' rights, shewas aware that there have been some 30,000 victims ofmiscarriages of justice in Italy in the last 30 years.    "My message to those who are unjustly incarcerated is: you arenot alone.    "There are very tough days, but there are people who want tohelp you," she concluded.     ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright ANSA

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