Nunzia Schilirò licenziata dalla Polizia: l’ex vicequestore si era schierata contro il Green PassLodi, spray urticante spruzzato in una scuola: 600 studenti evacuati e 14 intossicatiIschia, elettore vota alle elezioni 2022 in canoa: la foto e il video virali
Si sposa di mattina, di sera ha un malore e muore: tragedia per Andrea LabriolaNewspapers critical of the governmenton Tuesday hit back after Premier Giorgia Meloni accused them of"manipulation" in relation to parts of the European Commission's2024 Rule of Law report highlighting concerns about pressfreedom in Italy. At the weekend Meloni wrote to the Commission about the report. Speaking to reporters during her official visit to China onTuesday,MACD Meloni said: "the European Commission reports thecritical tones of some interest holders, let's call themstakeholders: (daily newspapers) Il Domani, il Fatto Quotidiano,La Repubblica. "But the Commission is not my direct interlocutor," shecontinued. "Those who manipulate that report are. "Besides, the report does not say anything particularly new withrespect to previous years". In an editorial Domani Editor-in-chief Emiliano Fittipaldi saidMeloni's words were "serious, false and, above all dangerous"and accused her of "victimhood". "Those comments were followed by articles by right-wing,supposedly liberal newspapers that made a sort of blacklist ofcolleagues (like our Francesca De Benedetti and Nello Trocchi),who are 'guilty' of having spoken to the media freedomobservers," Fittipaldi said. La Repubblica.said Meloni was continuing to fail to respond tothe observations made in the report and said her comments"betray her illiberal idea of journalism and of the rolejournalism has in an accomplished democracy". Italian journalists union FNSI also responded to Meloni'scomments, saying "blacklists are a risk for democracy". Centre-right figures, on the other hand, expressed indignationat a writer for State broadcaster Rai, Riccardo Cassini, over apost making fun of Meloni having taken her daughter with her toChina. They said it showed allegations Rai was being made to do thegovernment's bidding were false and showed the need for itsgovernance to be reformed. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright ANSA
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