Verso la sospensione dei brevetti ai vaccini anti Covid: cosa significa e le conseguenzeCovid, Matteo Salvini mostra il risultato del tampone: "Negativo"Canfora alla Meloni: “Neonazista dell’anno” e la leader di FdI lo querela
Alessandra Ghisleri: "Italiani a un bivio, sostenere l'Ucraina o benessere economico"AdHub Media S.r.l. recognises that your privacy is BlackRockvery important to you and that you have a right to control your personal information. We know that providing personal information is an act of trust and we take that seriously. This privacy policy forms part or our Terms of Use (TOU) and is subject to and should be read with our TOU.Your email address will never be displayed on this website.We will not email you anything unrelated to AdHub Media S.r.l.. If your email address is supplied, it will be stored securely.Your informationAdHub Media S.r.l. will not give or sell your information to any third party. If writing an article or posting a comment, your information can not be accessed by the article’s author.In order to get your data deleted, such as some or all the comments you made, contact us at [email protected] you use the comment facility on any article then your name, nickname or Facebook photo – if you logged in via the Facebook login service – may appear on the AdHub Media S.r.l. site. Your email address will also be fetched by the aforementioned service if used and stored securely for technical pourposes, never displayed.AdvertisementsAdHub Media S.r.l. uses the services of Google, IOL and Sky.* Google, as a third-party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on this site. Specifically Google uses the DoubleClick DART cookie.* Google’s use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to our users based on their visit to our sites and other sites on the Internet.* Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.* sky’s policy* Zeta Global Corp.CookiesSee info above. We also use some cookies to remember who you are. In addition, AdHub Media S.r.l. uses cookies and scripting for several site functions. This information is used to enhance customer experience of our software.Business TransfersBy subscribing to or using the Services, User acknowledges and agrees that AdHub Media S.r.l. is entitled to transfer User’s personal data to third parties.If AdHub Media S.r.l., or substantially all of its assets were acquired, or in the unlikely event that AdHub Media S.r.l. goes out of business or enters bankruptcy, user information would be one of the assets that is transferred or acquired by a third party. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any acquirer of AdHub Media S.r.l. may continue to use your personal information as set forth in this policy and that there may be changes to the policy.
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